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The Case For CyberSecurity Investment

The Blue Water Team

In today's digital age, cybersecurity is gaining increasing importance, and the necessity of strong security measures will only continue to grow over time as our dependence upon and use of digital information also continues to grow. 

The need for strong cybersecurity measures has been highlighted recently by major breaches of major information systems, such as U.S. government systems and corporate systems. 

Important Trends in CyberSecurity

The complex world of cybersecurity can be more easily understood by understanding the major trends growing within that world. These trends include the following: 

  • Cloud Security

The movement to the cloud brings a need for security of data within the cloud. 

  • Security of Things

As technological applications and systems unite, it becomes ever more critical for security that keeps these systems, and the people who use them, secure. 

  • Remote Work

With remote working becoming the norm, it is important for effective access and identity management to take center stage.

  • Privacy and Digital Trust

Digital collaboration and privacy regulations require advanced security solutions. 

  • Resilience and Recovery

Systems must have ways of recovering critical data in the event of data loss. 

  • Embedded Security 

Security needs to be an integral part of all digital systems. 

  • Smart Security

Automation, artificial intelligence, and more can enhance cybersecurity in an increasingly complex digital world.

Investors who can understand and take advantage of these trends in cybersecurity can enjoy the returns of profitable portfolio choices that are in tune with the changes occurring in today's digital world. To learn more, check out our investment ideas on cybersecurity.