Specializing in retirement planning and personalized investment management.

Investing in Closed-End Funds

The Blue Water Team

Closed-end funds (CEFs) have qualities that make them a good choice for investors looking for reliable income over time. 

Promising Income Potential

CEFs make reliable income available to investors. In many cases, this income also offers investors tax advantages that make CEFs even more appealing. Their management by professionals helps to ensure that these funds produce as much income as possible for investors. 

Diversified Investments

CEFs also provide access to a diverse array of investments. Some of these investments are difficult to access in any other way. 


Because CEFs are not affected by the buying and selling of investors, all of the assets invested in CEFs is fully invested, without requiring any money to be set aside. As a result, they offer more opportunities for strategizing and producing income. 

Income and Diversification with CEFs

Greater Investment Opportunities

CEFs allow investors to access specific opportunities, such as alternative securities and real estate, that are not accessible to open-end funds. 


CEFs do not need to use leverage, thereby avoiding the uncertainties that come with investment leverage. 

Professional Management

Professional management helps to ensure that these funds produce a reliable, steady income for investors. 

Trading on Exchanges

Exchange trading provides investors with control over how they use their shares, including buying and selling these shares. 

Closed-End Funds--Qualities

Closed-end funds have four specific qualities that investors should understand if they wish to understand CEFS. 

  1. Access to diverse portfolio investments
  2. Moderate financial leverage
  3. Professional management
  4. Supply and demand influence on share prices

For more information on closed-end funds, check out our customization section.