Specializing in retirement planning and personalized investment management.

Client Demographics

The following information is based only on our full-time (investment management) clients. Data as of Spring 2018.

Money Under Advisement: $62M+

Clients: 100
Households: 69

Notes: We are an established firm, but not too big. We know our clients, and we our focused on their needs. That is why we limit the number of new client engagements.

Men: 48%
Women: 52%
Marriage Status
Married: 62%
Single: 38%
Single Women: 25%
Retirement Status
Retired: 49%
Retire within 0-5 Years: 15%
30's: 4%
40's: 19%
50's: 24%
60's: 22%
70's: 24%
80+: 7%
Average Age: 60.3
Youngest Client: 34.5
Oldest Client: 91.5
Average Age of Client Taking Distributions: 71.6

Notes: While most of our clients are married, we also work with a number of single women. Almost 2/3rds of our clients are either in retirement or within a few years of it. Over 55% of our clients are age 60 or higher.

Average % of Stocks in Portfolio (All Clients): 57%
Average % of Stocks (Retirees): 49%

Notes: Our portfolios range from very conservative (15% stocks) to very aggressive (100% stocks), but average out as moderately aggressive. As expected, retirees have more conservative allocations.

Client Longevity with Blue Water
Average # of Years as Client: 9.7
Client for 0-5 years: 20%
Client for 5-10 Years: 10%
Client for 10+ Years: 70%

Notes: We are proud of our track record. Most clients have worked with us for a number of years, and we have consistently had a high rate of client retention.